Monday, 30 September 2013

Vanier Park 'Cross

Well the first big storm of the fall hit Vancouver hard this weekend with high winds and loads of rain...and go figure, the Vanier Park Cyclocross race had probably it's biggest turnout ever! Really...what's the point of doing a cross race on a warm sunny day ;-)

I only raced 'cross the final three years of my career and it quickly became my favorite cycling discipline.

I enjoyed it a lot the few times I raced the Vanier circuit. As I'm not into racing myself these days, I was happy to volunteer at the event and snap a few pictures. It was pretty challenging with the rain, but 'cross is a pretty photogenic sport, there were lots of willing subjects, and atmosphere at cross races is always fun to be a part of. It was great also to see so many kids and newbies out here!

My Vanier Park Cyclocross photo album HERE

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